My ashtanga teacher once said that you either love or hate Ashtanga, and I couldn’t agree more.
While I personally love Ashtanga, I understand that it might not be for everyone. Drawing inspiration from this dynamic practice, I design classes that are structured, challenging, and, most importantly, connect movement with breath.
I firmly believe that yoga is for everyone and that it is a journey unique to each individual. My goal is to offer variations that accommodate practitioners at every stage of their journey, ensuring that everyone can find their own path in yoga.
I currently teach at The Journey in Helensburgh.
To reserve your spot, book directly through The Journey’s Momence app at:
See you soon!

1-1 Private Classes
For those interested in personalized instruction, I offer private classes tailored to your specific needs and schedule. Reach out to arrange a friendly chat and start your personalized yoga journey!

The Journey
Weekly offerings at The Journey in Helensburgh: Soulful Flow - Monday 9:30 - 10:30 am. Zen - Sunday 9 - 10 am.